Anyone But You Anyone But You Trailer
Will Gluck

Anyone But You


After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben's fiery attraction turns ice cold--until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

  • Director: Will Gluck
  • Main Cast: Sydney Sweeney, Alexandra Shipp, Glen Powell, Michelle Hurd
  • Soundtrack: Este Haim, Christopher Stracey
  • Cinematography: Danny Ruhlmann
  • Screenplay: Will Gluck, Ilana Wolpert
  • Cinema Premiere: December 26, 2023

Reviews by critics from other countries

Foreign Reviews

7 foreign reviews of Anyone But You (2023)

  • 1. Mobile Stories Sweden
    10 / 10

    Translated from swedish: I believe that "Anyone But You" could become a classic in the romantic comedy film genre, as the plot and the acting are incredibly good.
    - Klara Runarsson

    Swedish: »

  • 2. Filmtopp
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: A modern romcom with the perfect blend of humor and romance
    - Malin Sandberg

    Swedish: »

  • 3. Cinetaste
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: For those of you who have missed a really good romantic comedy at the cinema, here is a good one that delivers exactly what you want. I don't care how clichéd it may be, I was entertained.
    - Linus Andersen

    Swedish: »

  • 4. Aftonbladet
    6 / 10

    Translated from swedish: It's constantly a little amusing, cute and a bit irresistible.
    - Jan-Olov Andersson

    Swedish: »

  • 5. Moviezine
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: I hope next time to see something more engaged, well-played and subtle. Maybe even a rom-com in an environment beyond newly renovated villas and first-class flights.
    - Katarina Emgård

    Swedish: »

  • 6. Dagens Nyheter
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The turns are not as well-oiled as one might have expected from the fifty-first filmization of a famous farce, but the film is saved by Sweeney and Powell.
    - Sebastian Lindvall

    Swedish: »

  • 7. Folkbladet
    Negative, no rating

    Translated from swedish: Romantic comedy somewhat uninteresting apart from a few funny supporting roles.

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

Anyone But You has earned a total of 212 188 326 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

Other films by Will Gluck

Peter Rabbit Poster
  • ⏱️  95 min ⭐️  8