The Instigators The Instigators Trailer
Doug Liman

The Instigators

Follows two robbers who must go on the run with the help of one of their therapists after a theft doesn't go as planned.

  • Director: Doug Liman
  • Main Cast: Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, Michael Stuhlbarg, Hong Chau
  • Soundtrack: Christophe Beck
  • Cinematography: Henry Braham
  • Screenplay: Casey Affleck, Jeffrey Robinov

Reviews by critics from other countries

Foreign Reviews

1 foreign reviews of The Instigators (2024)

  • 1. Moviezine
    8 / 10

    Translated from swedish: When it comes to "The Instigators", it is rather thanks to the fact that the script and the plot actually hold all the way to the finish line, which makes it really possible to enjoy every second of what Damon's and Affleck's two characters are facing.
    - Jonatan Blomberg

    Swedish: »

Explore the director

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