The Village The Village Trailer
M. Night Shyamalan

The Village


A series of events tests the beliefs of a small isolated countryside village.

  • Director: M. Night Shyamalan
  • Main Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Joaquin Phoenix, Bryce Dallas Howard, William Hurt, Adrien Brody
  • Soundtrack: James Newton Howard
  • Cinematography: Roger Deakins
  • Screenplay: M. Night Shyamalan
  • Cinema Premiere: August 20, 2004

What do English critics think?

English Reviews

2 english reviews of The Village (2004)

  • 1. Empire
    8 / 10

    The denouement will infuriate and enthral, but Shyamalan's latest is made with elegance.
    - William Thomas

    Empire »

  • 2. Rolling Stone
    7.5 / 10

    "The Village", even when its step falters, is on to something more provocative than seeing dead people. Its power, unrelated to digital monsters, comes from the tension building inside the characters.
    - Peter Travers

    Rolling Stone »

Reviews by critics from other countries

Foreign Reviews

5 foreign reviews of The Village (2004)

  • 1. Fredrik Fyhr
    Positive, no rating

    Translated from swedish: All of M. Night Shyamalan's films deal with this deeply human dilemma - that man is born into a terrifying, random world and must find enlightenment by venturing out into it and broadening his horizons. Or, equally, lock himself in isolation, create a prison of fear. But none of Shyamalan's films bear more sharpness and complexity than "The Village".
    - Fredrik Fyhr

    Swedish: »

  • 2. Game Reactor
    7 / 10

    Translated from swedish: High-class acting, fine photography in yellow and red color scales, and a heavy, ominous atmosphere are the keywords that characterize "The Village", even though one had hoped that the film's resolution would have been given more time.
    - Anna Eklund

    Swedish: »

  • 3. Russin
    6 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The fact that I do not double up in derision over the resolution here is largely due to the atmosphere of seriousness and searching that is evoked from scratch and to the actors (most of them at least) acting as if this were a story about real people and not just loading up for the twisted final credits sequence that everyone expects from Shyamalan.
    - Johan Lindahl

    Swedish: »

  • 4. Moviezine
    4 / 10

    Translated from swedish: The biggest surprise is Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of the blind Ivy, perhaps the only reason to even bother checking out "The Village"?
    - Alexander Kardelo

    Swedish: »

  • 5. Aftonbladet
    2 / 10

    Translated from swedish: At times hilarious, but mostly just sad.
    - Jan-Olov Andersson

    Swedish: »

World-Wide Box Office Revenue

Box Office

The Village has earned a total of 256 697 520 dollars from cinemas across the world (the global box office).

Explore the director

Other films by M. Night Shyamalan

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The Visit Poster
The Visit
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Trap Poster
  • ⏱️  105 min ⭐️  6.7
Glass Poster
  • ⏱️  129 min ⭐️  5.1
Old Poster
  • ⏱️  108 min ⭐️  4.3