

Follows Catherine Ravenscroft, a television documentary journalist whose work has been built on revealing the transgressions of long-respected institutions.

  • Director: Alfonso Cuarón
  • Main Cast: Cate Blanchett, Kevin Kline, Lesley Manville, Indira Varma, Sacha Baron Cohen
  • Soundtrack: Finneas O'Connell
  • Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki, Bruno Delbonnel
  • Screenplay: Alfonso Cuarón, Renee Knight

Reviews by critics from other countries

Foreign Reviews

1 foreign reviews of Disclaimer (2024)

  • 1. Filmbladet
    7 / 10

    Translated from swedish: "Disclaimer" is a rare well-crafted drama series, but its unique style leads to it never becoming exciting - rather, it is the curiosity that makes one continue to watch the episodes. However, the final episode ties the series together in a nice way, and it is worth watching for anyone who enjoys a well-written drama.
    - Fredrik Lagnetoft

    Swedish: Review: "Disclaimer"

Explore the director

Other films by Alfonso Cuarón

Roma Poster
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Children of Men Poster
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Y tu mamá también Poster
  • ⏱️  106 min ⭐️  8.6
Gravity Poster
  • ⏱️  91 min ⭐️  8
Paris, je t'aime Poster
  • ⏱️  120 min ⭐️  6.8
Harry Potter 3 Poster
  • ⏱️  142 min ⭐️  5.9