Armando Robles Godoy

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Armando Robles Godoy is a director, screenwriter, actor and producer, known for Imposible amor (2000), Sonata soledad (1987) and The Green Wall (1969).

Armando Robles Godoy

  • Name: Armando Robles Godoy

Armando Robles Godoy's filmography


Armando is listed as director for five titles.

Find all films with Armando Robles Godoy as director.


Armando is listed as screenwriter for four titles.

Find all films with Armando Robles Godoy as screenwriter.


Armando is listed as actor for one title.

Sonata soledad

Sonata soledad
Film, 1987

Find all films with Armando Robles Godoy as actor.


Armando is listed as producer for one title.

Imposible amor

Imposible amor
Film, 2000

Find all films with Armando Robles Godoy as producer.