Nirmal Dey

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Nirmal Dey is a director, screenwriter, cinematographer and producer, known for Champadangar Bou (1954) and Sharey Chuattar (1953) and Basu Paribar (1952).

Nirmal Dey

  • Name: Nirmal Dey

Nirmal Dey's filmography


Nirmal is listed as director for three titles.

Champadangar Bou

Champadangar Bou
Film, 1954

Sharey Chuattar

Sharey Chuattar
Film, 1953

Basu Paribar

Basu Paribar
Film, 1952

Find all films with Nirmal Dey as director.


Nirmal is listed as screenwriter for one title.

Basu Paribar

Basu Paribar
Film, 1952

Find all films with Nirmal Dey as screenwriter.


Nirmal is listed as cinematographer for one title.

Sharey Chuattar

Sharey Chuattar
Film, 1953

Find all films with Nirmal Dey as cinematographer.


Nirmal is listed as producer for one title.

Champadangar Bou

Champadangar Bou
Film, 1954

Find all films with Nirmal Dey as producer.