Cinema Premieres in january 1922

Current cinema premieres in january 1922, like A Day with the Gipsies, Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness, The Kid and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

Premiered sunday January 1, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 1, 1922: A Day with the Gipsies and Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness.

A Day with the Gipsies

A Day with the Gipsies
Premiere January 1, 1922

Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness

Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness
Premiere January 1, 1922

Premiered thursday January 5, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 5, 1922: The Kid.

The Kid

The Kid
Premiere January 5, 1922

Premiered tuesday January 17, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 17, 1922: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Premiere January 17, 1922