Cinema Premieres in july 1940

Current cinema premieres in july 1940, like Law and Disorder, To Hell with Hitler, Just William, Old Mother Riley in Society and The King of the White Elephant.

Premiered saturday July 6, 1940

One movies that premieres on July 6, 1940: Law and Disorder.

Law and Disorder

Law and Disorder
Premiere July 6, 1940

Premiered friday July 12, 1940

One movies that premieres on July 12, 1940: To Hell with Hitler.

To Hell with Hitler

To Hell with Hitler
Premiere July 12, 1940

Premiered saturday July 20, 1940

One movies that premieres on July 20, 1940: Just William.

Just William

Just William
Premiere July 20, 1940

Premiered saturday July 27, 1940

Two movies that premieres on July 27, 1940: Old Mother Riley in Society and The King of the White Elephant.

Old Mother Riley in Society

Old Mother Riley in Society
Premiere July 27, 1940

The King of the White Elephant

The King of the White Elephant
Premiere July 27, 1940