Cinema Premieres in june 1945

Current cinema premieres in june 1945, like Bothered by a Beard, The Channel Islands 1940-1945, Johnny in the Clouds and Handling Ships.

Premiered friday June 1, 1945

Two movies that premieres on June 1, 1945: Bothered by a Beard and The Channel Islands 1940-1945.

Bothered by a Beard

Bothered by a Beard
Premiere June 1, 1945

The Channel Islands 1940-1945

The Channel Islands 1940-1945
Premiere June 1, 1945

Premiered saturday June 16, 1945

One movies that premieres on June 16, 1945: Johnny in the Clouds.

Johnny in the Clouds

Johnny in the Clouds
Premiere June 16, 1945

Premiered friday June 22, 1945

One movies that premieres on June 22, 1945: Handling Ships.

Handling Ships

Handling Ships
Premiere June 22, 1945