Cinema Premieres in march 1929

Current cinema premieres in march 1929, like The Celestial City, The Clue of the New Pin, The Runaway Princess and The Alley Cat.

Premiered friday March 1, 1929

Three movies that premieres on March 1, 1929: The Celestial City, The Clue of the New Pin and The Runaway Princess.

The Celestial City

The Celestial City
Premiere March 1, 1929

The Clue of the New Pin

The Clue of the New Pin
Premiere March 1, 1929

The Runaway Princess

The Runaway Princess
Premiere March 1, 1929

Premiered thursday March 21, 1929

One movies that premieres on March 21, 1929: The Alley Cat.

The Alley Cat

The Alley Cat
Premiere March 21, 1929