Eugen Illés

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Eugen Illés is a director, screenwriter, producer and cinematographer, known for Das gefährliche Alter (1927), Der Eisenbahnkönig, 1. Teil - Mensch und Mammon (1921) and Der Eisenbahnkönig, 2. Teil - Lauernder Tod (1921).

Eugen Illés

  • Name: Eugen Illés

Eugen Illés's filmography


Eugen is listed as director for fourteen titles.

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Eugen is listed as screenwriter for seven titles.

Find all films with Eugen Illés as screenwriter.


Eugen is listed as producer for one title.

Find all films with Eugen Illés as producer.


Eugen is listed as cinematographer for five titles.

Find all films with Eugen Illés as cinematographer.